What's HUMTOO all about I hear you thinking to yourself...well, check out our little video that explains how it all works...
We're all very excited about Humtoo.com - it's been in the works for about 6 months. It all came about a conversation between our 2 super directors Jason (a music composer) and Steve (a TV producer) regarding the challenges for musicians finding projects to works on and for producers to find good composers. After knocking around a few ideas, Jason formulated the initial idea of Humtoo and they've been busy fleshing it out ever since.
From that initial conversation they've managed to whip up the site and get it all together in just 6 months.
Humtoo.com is in beta phase right now, as we're testing a whole range of new features we'll be adding in the coming months, but don't let that stop you from getting involved.
If you're a music maker, get composing! The projects on the site are live now, the sooner you get your tracks up, the sooner you could start earning money! Also, you'll be able to get the domain you want - check me out - mike.humtoo.com!
And you Content Creators, get your projects online! We're hoping to get a huge variety of projects on the site in the near future - TV commercials, title sequences, TV shows, radio commercials, animation for websites, films, the list is almost endless. The best part about becoming involved now, is it's all free!
We want to hear from you, and we want to know what you think! Please email me with any suggestions for our site - mike-at-humtoo.com.
OK, I'm off to find some more projects for all you musicians!
Oh, and a big thank you to the team at squarezero.co.uk for helping us out with our explainer video.
ElMusedTech is Moving!
3 years ago