Tuesday, 5 May 2009

And The Winner of the Smart AV console is...

SmartAV have spent a long time trying to decide on a winner for the Tango project. The quality submitted was so high that in the end they couldn't decide.

Instead they've short listed the finalists - any of which they would more than happily use in connection with the Tango as musically they loved all 7, but they wanted more feedback in terms of which would be more successful selling their product.

So they asked us to help the make the decision....

We decided it wasn't really fair for us to make a decision - so we've thrown it out to the community. The 7 finalists are here on this project and the winner will be decided by HUMs.

More information on the HUM system can be found here:

Whichever track has the most HUMs by 5pm AEST Friday 10th April will win the Tango.

This result really highlights the incredible talent amongst our music makers!!!

Good luck finalists!

You can HUM your favourite track here: (you can HUM 1 track a day...)