Tuesday, 24 February 2009

HUMTOO is pleased to support Chew TV. They've been doing some fantastic stuff for young people, check them out - www.chewtv.com.

Here some more info about Chew:-

Chew TV needs feeding!

The UK’s first Web TV Channel run by young people for young people is hungry for content and is asking YOU to submit YOUR films to the channel.

There are thousands of keen young film and TV makers across the world and whilst they are beavering away making great stuff, one of the main challenges is getting their great work in the right place so the right people can see it. Chew TV provides
that very location.

If you want to get involved in this exciting opportunity to show off your media-making skills to a global audience, get seen by the industry leaders and become part of the future of digital media, sign up and log in to Chew TV from the homepage www.chewtv.com which only takes a couple of minutes and you’re
ready to upload.

For files less than 100mb, you can submit your content online. For films above 100mb you can simply send them in as a data disk, DVD or DV Tape to:
Chew TV Submissions
Devonport Guildhall
Ker Street, Devonport,

Click the link to access the printable submission form for postal submissions www.chewtv.com/..postalform.aspx

Also please feel free to befriend Chew TV on Twitter, MySpace and Facebook and don’t forget to keep an eye on the Chew TV Blog as well as Max’s blog for all the latest opportunities and inside industry info!

Chew TVA communication channel for a connected generation