EntropiK.humtoo.com is known both as a budding producer of media music in multiple genres including classical, electronic and easy listening, and also a performance/ recording duo who make beautiful and boundary-breaking music featuring cello and electronics.
Winners of HUMTOO's HUMFEST prize, they are also currently finalists in the international People's Music Awards, and have been generating a buzz on BBC Asian Network and 6 Music with tracks from their latest EP, Cellotronics.
As a producer of media music, EntropiK.humtoo.com is also gaining a solid and favourable reputation. In the past 12 months, they have scored 2 award-winning short films: Enfant (by AdamR) and Le Cinquième Jour (David Forest Animations) and have licensed a vast number of their tracks for a variety of media platforms including documentaries, corporate films, commercials and films.
They have a growing list of short films scores to their name and collaborated on a feature film score for the British independent horror film, Bane.
For more information and to listen to some of their music, check out EntropiK.humtoo.com